Residential Services

Organic Recycling

EDCO’s New Organics Recycling Program will Collect Food Scraps and Yard Waste Mixed Together in Your Green Cart

Automated Organics Collection

Residential customers receive one GREEN 96-gallon organics cart. Use your green cart to separate landscape waste, food scraps, and other organic materials for collection each week on your scheduled service day and set out by 6 a.m. or the night before.

96-Gallon Cart

appx. 35.75" x 29.75" x 43.25"

64-Gallon Cart

appx. 31.75" x 24.25" x 41.75"

32-Gallon Cart

appx. 24.25" x 19.75" x 37.50"

Request Additional Carts

Two additional green carts are available at no extra cost. Residents requiring a fourth 96-gallon cart or more may request additional green carts for a nominal monthly fee.

Residents can request additional recycling carts at no extra cost.

Request Additional Carts

Recyclable Organics Includes
  • grass clippings
  • brush
  • weeds
  • hedge trimmings
  • branches
  • leaves
  • ice plant (in small amounts only due to weight)
  • ivy
  • floral decorations
  • Halloween pumpkins
  • Christmas trees (NO flocked trees)
  • untreated and non-lead based painted wood
  • food scraps
  • food-soiled paper

Place recyclable organics directly into your designated green cart. Do not use any kind of plastic bags (including certified compostable or biodegradable bags) for any type of green waste, food waste, or other organics collection or disposal, as they contaminate the Anaerobic Digester! All organic material must be placed loosely inside the green cart for collection. Paper bags are acceptable.

Please do not place any of the following materials in your green cart:

  • No plastic bags.
  • No trash or hazardous waste.
  • No animal waste.
  • No dirt, rocks, asphalt, concrete, sand, etc.
  • No treated or lead-based painted wood or lumber.

Organic Waste

Organic waste is a renewable natural resource, and it mainly comes from yard and kitchen waste from homes and food waste, and scraps from industrial and commercial operations. Mandatory recycling of organic waste is the next step to achieving California’s Zero Waste goals. Recycling organics is easy and convenient with EDCO’s commingled Organics Recycling program.

EDCO has expanded the source-separated green waste collection to include recycling food waste. The service allows customers to place food scraps in the same container as green waste. EDCO’s new Organics Recycling program is a foundation for your community to achieve State mandates, including AB 1826, AB 1594, and SB 1383, which are directly related to organics recycling in the State of California.

EDCO’s Food Waste Recycling Video

To learn more about EDCO’s new Organics Recycling Program and how it will significantly impact the future of organic waste, please watch our informative video.

Why Recycle Food Waste?

Organic waste accounts for over 40% of California’s waste stream material. Organic material cannot break down when buried in a landfill, as in nature or a compost pile. Instead, it decomposes without oxygen, releasing methane gas into the atmosphere.

Organic waste is recycled into valuable compost or mulch used for soil restoration in an organics recycling program. It can also be recycled by anaerobic digestion, producing nutrient-rich biofertilizer, renewable energy, and fuel. By recycling food waste, you extend valuable landfill space, which also reduces CO2 emissions and preserves our environment!

What Will Go in the Green Cart

Below are just a few examples of what will be able to be placed in your green organics cart.

Food Scraps

Fruit, vegetables, meat, bones, dairy, eggshells, prepared food

Food-Soiled Paper

Napkins, tea bags, paper plates, coffee filters

Yard Waste

Plants, leaves, branches, grass

What Can You do Now?

In the United States alone, a shocking 40% of food is uneaten, wasted, and discarded. As consumers, we are the largest food waste producers, believe it or not, exceeding grocery stores and restaurants combined! So, the smallest changes add up and make a huge difference. San Diego Food System Alliance is leading an initiative across San Diego County to reduce food waste and increase food donations to people. By visiting their website, at, residents can find information on food recovery throughout the county, food donation guides, and resources.

Request a Kitchen Caddie

Residents can request a Kitchen Caddie to conveniently transfer food scraps from the kitchen to the organics cart or compost pile.Kitchen Caddie

Request a Kitchen Caddie

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